
语录 I「 我的风格就是永远不说不」Virgil Abloh留给世人的经典时尚语录

09:21 MYT
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语录 I「 我的风格就是永远不说不」Virgil Abloh留给世人的经典时尚语录
文:精致小猪 / 图:互联网
Virgil Abloh的离世让时尚界都悲恸不已,他的设计不仅有才有想法,他也是出名圈内的好人缘。虽然Virgil Abloh从人生舞台谢幕,他精彩的作品以及那些智慧的时尚语录会留在人们心中,一起来看看Virgil Abloh那些经典语录吧!
1:The world moves as fast as Instagram scrolls. (世界运转的速度就跟你滑Instagram页面的节奏一样快。)
2:Your taste in graphic tees says a lot about your point of view. (你挑选图腾的品味,就代表你的观点。)
3:My style is to never say no. (我的风格就是永远不说不。)
4:I'm not really into style. I'm more into confidence or having something to say. (比起风格,我更追求有自信和勇于表达。)
5:I just wanna start a brand that inspires and is geared towards youth. (我只想创立一个能激发灵感并针对年轻人的品牌。)
6:Ironic things are interesting. (反讽的东西是很有趣的现代文化。)
7:It's always the intern in the office who has the good ideas. (在办公室里,想出许多好点子的,往往会是实习生。)
8:Everything I do references something that influenced me. (我所做的一切都是在参考那些影响着我的人事物。)
9:Humor is an entry point for humanity. (幽默是通往人性的核心。)
10:Criticism doesn't worry me. (关于批评我从来都不在乎。)
11:I do fashion to tell a narrative. (我做时尚是为了讲述一个故事。)
12:I don’t have to choose between high fashion or streetwear. My brand reminds me that it doesn’t have to fit in a box. It can just be in a gray area. (我不需要从高端时尚与街头服饰做选择,我的品牌提醒了我,不一定要成为某种特定的样貌,可以有些灰色地带。)
【韩流Channel 짱】朴信惠&崔泰俊宣布结婚!两人低调拍拖到大家以为分手了