
语录 I 「人生太短暂,不应该那么虚伪!」第二季《璀璨帝国》亚洲富豪们Drama语录

08:52 MYT
语录 I 「人生太短暂,不应该那么虚伪!」第二季《璀璨帝国》亚洲富豪们Drama语录
文+整理:精致小猪 / 图:互联网
1:You don't need the man who put you down. (妳不需要那种会贬低妳的男人。)
2:Life is not about walking around with a guard up, and thinking everybody's the same. (人生不是要你筑起心房走来走去,并且对大家一视同仁的。)
3:I just feel like life is too short to be two-faced. (我觉得人生太短暂,不应该那么虚伪。)
4:Gossip is no different than betrayal. (八卦跟背叛没两样。)
5:You know, in life or marriage, it's important to kind of hit a compromise You could be stubborn about everything and sit on your principles. And you're not going anywhere. (不管是人生还是婚姻,懂得妥协很重要。如果对任何事都很固执,坚持原则,那不会有什么进展。)
6:There's a reason why people do what they do, you're not here to judge them. (别人做选择有他们的原因,你没有资格批评别人。)
7:Everyone's entitled to an opinion, but there’s a way to say things. And there's a way to kind of have a little bit of class. (每个人都有资格发表意见,但也不能乱说话,做人是要有点格调的。)
8:The right person is not gonna make you feel this way. (对的人是不会让妳伤心。)
9:When you start talking about people, then you really, seriously, have to think about what it’s going to do to them. (当你开始谈论别人的时候,那你真的需要好好想想那会对他们造成什么影响。)
10:Friendships are built off of when you go through struggles with people. (朋友就是要一起共度一些人生关卡。)
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