果粉经常都有去App Store下载各种App,到底哪个App才是今年的最佳App呢?Apple也正式公布App Store Awards 2022得奖名单,快来看你的手机里有没有这些App!
Apple于每年都会颁发 App Store Awards 来表扬年度最佳App及年度最佳游戏,今年也不例外,正式揭晓 “2022 App Store Awards” 得主,在 iPhone、iPad、Mac、Apple Watch、Apple TV 方面各选出年度 App及年度游戏。
2022 App Store Award Winners
Apps of the Year(年度Apps)
✅iPhone App of the Year: BeReal✅iPad App of the Year: GoodNotes 5
✅Mac App of the Year: MacFamilyTree 10
✅Apple Watch App of the Year: Gentler Streak
✅Apple TV App of the Year: ViX
Games of the Year(年度游戏)
✅iPhone Game of the Year: Apex Legends Mobile✅iPad Game of the Year: Moncage
✅Mac Game of the Year: Inscryption
✅Apple TV Game of the Year: El Hijo
Cultural Impact(文化影响力获奖作品)
✅Dot’s Home✅How We Feel
✅Locket Widget
✅Inua – A Story in Ice and Time
获奖者的开发者团队将会收到一枚由 Apple 设计和制作的奖牌,奖牌背面会刻上获奖者的名字,同时奖牌由 100% 可回收再生铝合金制造,设计灵感则来源于 App Store 的蓝色图标。
相关阅读:App I 5款完美复刻经典手游App!每一款的好玩程度绝不输王者!
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