




“你离开我们12年了,很多人都觉得我已经放下,但我从来不会忘记你,我怎么可能呢?你是所有人的灵感来源。” 文末,郑欣宜说到香港如今的局面需要沈殿霞这颗“开心果”,给大家带来正能量和笑容,她说沈殿霞永远是大家心目中的传奇人物。





There are so many things i’d like to tell you.

So many secrets i’d love to whisper in your ear, watch your eyes brighten as the latest gossip leave my lips and enter your ears.

So many shows we’d binge watch together, you’d love them! There’s this thing called Netflix now, it’s great. Though... it’d probably take you a while to figure out how to use it. I remember you asking me things like, “bb, how do i send this email?” ... see the SEND button, mom? Click... that... ?

You’d probably fall victim to those whatsapp forwards.. i believe they’re called #長輩圖 and ask me whether i got them whenever we’re on the phone.

You’d be heart-broken to see me leave HK for a month to come to Japan to take classes, but you’d also secretly be proud that i’m not sitting at home, wasting my time, waiting for something to come around.

Cuz that’s what you taught me to do, mom. #活到老學到老

It’s been 12 years since you’ve left us. Many people think i should “get over it”. But i will never get over losing you. How can i? You were such an inspiration to all.

I imagine Hong Kong would need your magic now. But guess what? We can always find you again through the work that you left us with. Your music, your movies, your talk-shows... Thank you again for giving your life to entertainment. You truly are a legend.



“SAM卡索”上身 烧肉长这样?!