
July 15, 2021 03:42 MYT
网友看了James的钢琴演奏视频后纷纷留言,“LIKE FATHER / LIKE SON”、“厉害、厉害”、“最后拥抱那刻 满满的爱和支持”、“The playing is perfect”等。

Virtuoso?On fired and sooooo amazed each time James play!!! Incredibly proud of you son, add oil!And u need to thanks Mama for spending all her efforts and energy to keep you focused and on track! ❤️Cissy Wang 汪詩詩?? #repost @jamesyenofficial ・・・ Played on this awesome @steinwayandsons piano! Cut the video short to 1min… entire song was 5 mins? a bit rusty as we are traveling and don’t have access to piano. Been more than a month! Hope you guys enjoy! @hanszimmer #piratesofthecaribbean

Donnie Yen 甄子丹发布于 2021年7月14日周三
【娱乐大件事喽!】《你微笑时很美》明明很甜 但开播至今一直被骂