
f(x)Amber IG发黑图 控诉工作无回报 SM再陷公关危机

neo 14/03/2017 | 07:59 MYT

I've given my everything. I tried to work things out. Whether it be the creative or business, I’ve been doing everything myself for years so I can to keep myself afloat. But in the end, I’m continuously neglected, hurt, and taken advantage of. I’ve been patient… the fans have been extremely patient and I can’t take it anymore just sitting around, waiting, being constantly rejected and given false hope. I’m so tired mentally and physically and this is where I draw the line. No more.

A post shared by Amber J. Liu (@ajol_llama) on

▲▼Amber发黑图疑似控诉SM娱乐。 (图翻摄自Amber IG、网络)
▲f(x)成员只剩下4个人。 (图翻摄自网络)