Chef Wan罹癌!乐观面对:准备好像“猫王”一样戴假发

August 4, 2023 01:35 MYT
大马名厨Chef Wan以风趣幽默的主持方式让观众留下深刻印象,3日Chef Wan在Instagram发文自曝罹患淋巴癌,近期将开始接受治疗。


Chef Wan发了一张侧躺在病床上接受检查的照片,他指自己被医生诊断出罹患淋巴癌早期,“我将进行电子放射断层扫描(PET CT scan),看癌细胞是否扩散到其他器官”。


得到检查结果后,Chef Wan再和肿瘤科医生会面,医生给他讲解接下来的治疗安排,“医生将为我开始化疗,这可能需要长达13周的时间”,医生告诉Chef Wan,他的淋巴癌处于早期阶段,治愈率约百分之70至80。
Chef Wan在贴文中以开玩笑的口吻写下,化疗后他将开始掉头发,到时他得像“猫王”(Elvis Presley)、马来歌手M Daud Kilau那样戴假发。
Chef Wan表示,他以释怀心态接受罹癌事实,接下来他将为了家人继续坚强面对一切,“大家别担心我,也感谢你们的祈祷及鼓励。”;祝Chef Wan早日康复。

Chef Wan Instagram 全文:

Just had my ECG test just now.
At 3pm my Dr broke the news about the biopsy of my lymph nodes.
They had to run it twice to make sure the result they got.
I have indeed Lymphoma Cancer.
I was then assigned to see my oncologist Dr Jay Suriar immediately.
He explained all the necessary step i need to go through to fight this.
First is to do my pet scan to look if this cancer had spread to other part of my organ and finally determine what stage.
The fact that i discovered it first feeling normal and not sick and looking at the size Dr said its probably at the early stage if esok Pet scan is positive.
At this stage chances usually to get cured is 70 to 80%.
Monday morning will do my bone marrow test as Lymphoma cancer is also link to our bone marrow.
Dr will insert also my chemo pot and start my Chemo inmediately for 13 Cycle ( meaning 13 weeks).
He said i will start to loose my hair ( omg i can start already imagining my self in Difference fabulous wigs after this treatment, elvis, M.daud Kilau style , Samy Velu, Liberace and many more!
It will be so funny kan)
I will get to experienced the Linda blair famous vomit scene from movie Exorcist and even endless diarrhoea.
Will look bad to look better after that lah.
Who knows at this point i accept all my challenges with an open heart and great courage.
This is life.....u simply need to take things one at day at a time and in a positive way.
My daughter and son in law broked down hearing this...i said dont cry please i will be ok.
I am not leaving yet!
I need to be strong and get well as i also need to look after so many people.
Insyallah Allah will look after me.
Its much better to discovered this at an early stage then its too late.
So the initial biopsy i did was not 100% correct until they really disect and looked at all the cells and discovered them.
Thank you for all your doa and good wishes.
Please dont worry as we will all go through this together with me so that we can inspired and help others in the future too.
知多点:Uncle Roger有对手了!遇上大马名厨Chef Wan惨被教育 “什么都不懂”
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#Chef Wan