MYAirline停飞 I 未事先通知乘客 MYAirline突然停飞挨批“不负责任”
未事先发出停飞通知 网民批MYAirline不负责任 一些网民批评,MyAirline公司没有事先交代清楚,导致许多乘客一早就抵达机场,还需要另购机票前往目的地。Please la jangan buat orang macamni. I dah ada dekat klia tau tunggu nak check in baggage flight jam 7.30 pagi ni. I tunggu dari jam 4 pagi sampai 5.40 pagi tapi satu pekerja pun tak ada, kaunter myairline semua tutup. Semua kosong? Penumpang semua tunggu macam orang bodoh tau. https://t.co/z2llhNaM6G— 𝑴𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒂 🇵🇸 (@puteriibalqiis) October 11, 2023
也有网民认为,MyAirline公司应该在停飞前,发出电邮通知受影响的乘客,而大马航空委员会和交通部也应该附上相应责任。Kasitau la awal awal jangan aniaya orang macamni. Tolong refund balik duit. I terpaksa beli tiket baru urgent nak balik KK tau. Ramai lagi orang yang kena macam i. Kesian tengok tau. Orang tua semua ada. Please la jangan jadi tak bertanggungjawab. Bagitau last minit lol paloi— 𝑴𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒂 🇵🇸 (@puteriibalqiis) October 11, 2023
No prior notice, no prior email to passengers. Macam gampang. Aku search flight status terus not found. You bloody stupid irresponsible shit @MyAirline https://t.co/e4WjjHbFtv— sya (@Ieman235) October 12, 2023
昨日优惠今日停飞? 另外也有网民发现,MYAirline公司在昨天(10月11日)才推出全新优惠配套,但不到24小时就宣布停飞。They should have given early notice. Lots of knock on effect. Those affected need legal advice. It's a collective responsibility of MYAirline, Mavcom and MOT.— Troika (@nizanLFC) October 12, 2023
赞MYAirline服务良好 网民:盼有日重新运营 不过,也有许多网民对MYAirline停飞感到非常惋惜。有者表示,该航空公司的服务良好,不仅坐得舒服,而且还非常守时。MYAirline ran this promotion *LESS THAN 24 HOURS* before they ceased operations.My condolences to everyone who booked and paid money to the company. pic.twitter.com/aBXD3tGGUE— Jason Ng (@ByJasonNg) October 12, 2023
目前,马来西亚机场控股公司(Malaysia Airports)也已经派出工作人员,为受影响的乘客提供帮助。Space for legroom also big and comfortable. Just the seat cannot recline. So happy and satisfy with this airline. Hope MyAirline dapat handle this isue and boleh beroperasi semula. Will always support this airline.🦋— farahz (@rfrhz) October 12, 2023
你有乘搭过MYAirline的经验吗?你觉得该公司的服务如何呢?马上到《热点Hotspot面子书》留言分享你的看法! ==============================Our airport staff at KLIA T2 are currently assisting passengers affected by the MYAirline flight cancellations. Passengers are advised to contact the airline directly at [email protected]. pic.twitter.com/j2NP1Ie2cS— Malaysia Airports (@MY_Airports) October 12, 2023
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