大马10年后重演印尼迁都? 网民:搬吧!吉打如何?
【网络热什么】—— 带你追踪了解网络当红现象,热门话题讨论不落人后
用户@Dick_Lopez77感到认同,他在留言处认为,在我国乘搭交通工具所花的时间可能更多。他直指吉隆坡成为绿色城市,还差最后一英里的问题(Last mile problems),充满困难。Let's face it, KL is not a liveable city. It's not pedestrian friendly and the public transport network is a patchwork of vanity projects and random bus networks. There is no actual planning that goes into this city and its only a matter of time before it crumbles.— MHM (@mhmgrgie) April 26, 2022
对此,有网友质问为何这对夫妇不改搭梳邦KTM直通机场,以免出现上述情况。原作者续回应说:“你也知道我们KTM到站的频率,几乎1小时1班,不保证这对年迈夫妇可以赶上登机时间。”Last mile problem. That's especially true. Just last week I drove an elderly couple who had taken the LRT from Ampang to Ara D'sara to get to Subang Airport but was stuck because there was no taxi, bus or even Grab to get them to the airport which is less than 3km away.— MHM (@mhmgrgie) April 26, 2022
网民反驳天气热 “很完美惟不实际” 一名用户认为不只是吉隆坡,怡保也不是行人或骑车友善的地方,他希望州政府可以对此进行改善。The frequency of the Subang KTM - Skypark link is almost an hour apart. They were rushing for a flight and I'm pretty sure I don't have to tell you how unreliable KTM can be.— MHM (@mhmgrgie) April 26, 2022
也有网民抱怨,在租旅店的时候希望可以在吉隆坡当地走走,但到了住宿处才发现,旅店和景点相隔一个高速公路,他根本无法走路到达目的地。Malaysia isu. Panas/hujan. Pedestrian or bike friendly sounds nice. But not practical. It’s hot. Get you sweaty all over.— Mario (@marioskyjuice) April 26, 2022
10年后就会迁首都? 网民:像印尼雅加达一样 另外,有网民坦言,吉隆坡会许很快就会成为下个雅加达。他说:“大概十年后,我们就会搬去新的首都了吧。”Once book a hotel across a place I want to go hoping to just walk over. Actual day saw that the road was 2 layers elevated highway with no way of crossing over. Had to get a Grab to go to the other side. What a stupid design— Ir_ Riaz🏴 (@riaz_ir) April 26, 2022
看完网民的讨论,你认为吉隆坡是否真的不适合居住?如果真的如网民说的要“迁都”,那全马哪个地方最合适?欢迎来《热点Hotspot》面子书留言分享你的看法。We already have one, Putrajaya but seems like nothing.— Savve (@taikoe) April 26, 2022