印尼人爱来马看病 网民为我国医疗服务感自豪
【网络热什么】—— 带你追踪了解网络当红现象,热门话题讨论不落人后
几天前,印尼总统佐科威在主持当地一家医院落成仪式后,在推特上指出,印尼公民喜欢到海外求医,进而对印尼造成损失。而印尼公民喜欢求医的地点当中也包括我国 —— 马来西亚。
为何专程搭到大马治疗? 网民:既便宜医疗服务又好 有关贴文随后也引起网民的回响,不少人都大赞我国的医疗服务,尤其价格方面会比印尼更便宜,才会让人专程到我国求医。Hampir 2 juta orang Indonesia masih memilih berobat ke luar negeri setiap tahun. Kurang lebih 1 juta ke Malaysia, 750 ribu ke Singapura, sisanya ke Jepang, Amerika, Jerman, dll.Gara-gara ini, kita kehilangan devisa Rp165 triliun karena modal keluar. pic.twitter.com/mvmR38WwMi— Joko Widodo (@jokowi) March 6, 2023
Correct. Medical tourism adalah salah satu economical strength Malaysia. We have numbers of skilful specialists in private sectors catering to this demand. Ours, despite in private sector, is still considered cheaper than Indonesia. https://t.co/H6TEVoDlsi— Hafidz Hasan (@drhafidzhasan) March 9, 2023
例如有印尼人更是选择在我国进行试管婴儿服务,正是因为我国的医疗服务既便宜又有效。Memang benar. Ada beberapa pesakit dari Indonesia sanggup menaiki jet 🛩️ untuk berubat di hospital Malaysia. The look up to our standard of care (I think) https://t.co/nb8gWC7VDh— Dr نبيل Nabil 나빌 📱🧑🏻💻 (@drnabilma) March 10, 2023
一名来自印尼的网民也分享,自己在出生时在医院里被护士失手摔到地上,造成脑淤血。但当场没人承认,隔天他就被母亲带往大马接受治疗。talked to this passenger while boarding my flight from jakarta- vacation in kl? no, my wifes in penang were doin ivf there.ok but why malaysia?way cheaper & effective. you have no idea the ivf expenses here in jakarta double up from what we spent in malaysia. 🥺 https://t.co/duHtTUYRgd— fat in (@atinnjha) March 9, 2023
Malaysia hands down has the best doctors and I'm talking from experience. When my mom gave birth to me, one of the nurses dropped me, which left me with blood clots in my brain. My family asked who did it and unfortunately nobody admitted. The next day I was brought to Malaysia+ https://t.co/zIkEArPDiV— gabe❖ | freeiran☼𓃬 (@_gagabebe) March 9, 2023
“我的岳父长了一个9cm的肝肿瘤,医生说需要动手术,但后来在槟城求医,医生只给了药就痊愈了。”Mon maap ni pak. Bapak saya kalo mau bedah jantung di indo kudu keluarin minimal 1 milyar belom sama transport dan printilannya. Mana disuruh nunggu sekitar 3 bulan. Waktu di penang habisnya ganyampe 200 jt, langsung op dan opnamenya sekitar semingguan. Sisanya rawat jalan.— Mutikk✨ (@bucinkasoer) March 8, 2023
“3家医院都说我爸必须要接受心脏手术。结果当他被带到马来西亚时,医生却说他只是胃食管逆流(GRED)。”Ya gimana pak disini terlalu komersil utk biaya.Papa mertua saya 2020 kena abses hati dengan ukuran 9cm langsung divonis dokter harus diadakan operasi dengan biaya sekitar 40-50 juta. Terus akhirny coba cari second opinion di penang sama dokter cuma dikasih obat dan sembuh.— gamerpreneur (@gamerpreneur1) March 9, 2023
Yaaa gimana enggak Pak. Bapak saya divonis harus pasang RING Jantung sama 3 RUMAH SAKIT. Pas dibawa ke Malaysia, sama dokternya diketawain. Katanya Bapak saya cuma kena GERD. Lambungnya udah kronis 🥲🥲— Np (@duljelani) March 6, 2023
Alm Bapak saya di indo jantungnya divonis harus pasang ring 2 titik, dirawat di ICU cuma didiamkan saja, diinfo 1 pcs ring 80jt blm termasuk biaya dokter kamar obat setelah kami paksa bawa kluar dan bawa ke malaka cuma habis 70jt all in pasang 3 ring pagi masuk sore pulang— Lies Tria Permana (@liestria) March 7, 2023
#TIL Penang is famous for medical tourism among Indonesia https://t.co/KxZgnQChNd— 디안 Bizarre (@thdnfdk) March 9, 2023
#TIL Penang is the go to place to get the best medical second opinions among Indonesians https://t.co/IyOYhyypGc— Effi Saharudin ❄️ (@1Obefiend) March 9, 2023
我国医疗服务获盛赞 大马网民深感自豪 眼看许多网民大赞我国医疗服务,不少大马网民也分享该则贴文,为我国的医疗人员和他们给予的服务感到自豪。Malaysia is one of the best in Asia in medical tourism.Top destinations for medical are Penang, Melaka and KL. https://t.co/FPLZ3zVPfA— Muhammad Najib (@muhammadnajib79) March 9, 2023
“为马来西亚的卫生系统感到自豪,它是世界上最好的卫生系统之一。”Rasa bangga jap jadi Malaysian bila baca reply. https://t.co/1JoeTOUcls— Kucing Langsi (@KucingGangster_) March 10, 2023
网民吁政府停止医护人员合约制 同时,不少网民也趁机呼吁政府,应该要好好珍惜我国的医疗人员,给予他们应得的福利。Bangga dengan sistem kesihatan Malaysia, one of the best in the worldBaca repliesApa gila 3 org doctor ckp sakit jantung, mai Malaysia rupanya GERD… gilos https://t.co/weSw8wucmO— penatsemput (@urutoraman_80) March 10, 2023
I read the replies. You can see how satisfy Indonesian feel with our medical practitioners & hospitality. Our govt should appreciate our doctors, nurses & etc. Give them what they deserved. Stop with contract job & low salary. They worked hard to give back to the community. https://t.co/D8dXlnPnME— Farah⁷ wil be going to SG to meet AgustD 🤞🏻🍀 (@geniusmyg9393) March 9, 2023
Malaysian should appreciate our healthcare expertise more. Read the thread, funny yet serious and concerning issue https://t.co/IRKpNhRxzF— Haydar (@mohdarifs_) March 9, 2023
The replies are filled w positive testimonies of their/loved ones’ experience in receiving medical treatment in Malaysia. Many compare the quality/integrity of our doctors & the reasonable cost incurred. Our doctors definitely deserve to win the fight they’re battling right now https://t.co/DVgnAkGjXX— Denana (@DayanaJainon) March 9, 2023